New Year's Letter 2013

2013- It’s hard to believe that it has been 10 years since we decided to “go for it” and realize our dream to live in the south of France. We have shared our house with numerous friends, some old and some new. We have explored many areas of the Languedoc, expanded our culinary skills and discovered hidden gems in the area.


Our return here, this year marks the beginning of our retirement and the opportunity to broaden our horizons and consider next steps. The region continues to fascinate us and offer new discoveries at every turn. It is amazing how palpable history is throughout the region. From pre-historic times to more recently, it is hard to escape the vestiges of life in the Languedoc.


We continue to be drawn back each year and hope that perhaps, you too will feel the pull to explore this rich part of France.  


And Now for the Book!


New Year's Letter 2012