New Year's letter, 2005

It has been another exciting year at our house- we returned to France in March for a month to prepare the house for our guests. Families, couples and friends have been spending time at our house and all report great things. Rather than us telling you about the experiences, here are some of their own words.

Your house is even more beautiful than we had imagined. We keep saying what an amazing job you have done. It is perfect, and everyone is so friendly. Then we were off to the market to buy supplies for lunch, visited a cave on the way home, then lunch on the patio before a bike ride, a brief siesta and then an excursion into Pezenas to send emails. What can I vie est belle." - CD

“The rusty red soil  and vineyards gave way to the Black Hills to the North East and to  long walls of stone that had been built to support the terraced fields and yet more vineyards that were some now abandoned due to the extreme labour intensity that was required to maintain them. But they spoke of a different time and a way of life, and now they are left standing, like miles of head stones marking the graves of a labour long spent . The valleys of the Black Hills snake through between the slate and shale canyons and wild mountain goats peer down from high above” - RM

“Just a short note to tell you that we had a wonderful time staying at your house in France. The house, the village and the piscine were enjoyed by the entire family.” - JM

Swan’s House in France has provided “le temps retrouvé” for ourselves, members of our own family and numerous others. We look forward to sharing our home and adventures with many of you in the coming years.

As you may recognize, we have a new header for our website. The artwork is by Servian artist, Jean Decorde and aptly captures the colours, ambiance and architecture of our village. We hope you like our new look.

Andy and Andrea Swan


New Year's letter, 2006


New Year's letter, 2004